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세미나 안내

[인공지능대학원]BK21 SPECIAL SEMINAR 2023.05.16, Tue ,14:00~18:00
작성자 시스템 작성일 23/05/15 (17:47) 조회수 953

▣ 제목(Title): #1. Location & Privacy: Past, Present and Future - A GeoAI Perspective
                   #2. Trustworthy and Collaborative AI through Federated Learning
                   #3. Testbed of AI Quality Management
                   #4. Data Science Research Activities at USC IMSC
▣ 연사(Speaker): 1. Prof. Cyrus Shahabi(University of Southern California)
                        2. Prof. Li Xiong (Emory University)
                        3. Kyoungsook Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
                        4. Seon Ho Kim (Integrated Media Systems Center at USC)
▣ 일시(Date&Time): 2023.05.16, Tue , 14:00~18:00
▣ 언어(Language): 영어(English
▣ 장소(Place): (/오프라인 동시 진행) 공학 2 101
( ZOOM )  
ZOOM Meeting ID 882 4437 7312 / PW: 0516