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SCI 저널

SCI 저널 2023년 게재년도,논문명 항목에 관한 표입니다.
순번 논문명 저널명
1 Style-KD: Class-imbalanced medical image classification via style knowledge distillation Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
2 Reliable AI models can reveal key processes of heat recovery steam generator operation in air pollutant emission Journal of Cleaner Production
3 Maximum Coverage by k Lines Symmetry
4 Exploring Public Data Vulnerabilities in Semi-Supervised Learning Models through Gray-box Adversarial Attack Electoronics
5 Optimal clustering from noisy binary feedback Machine Learning
6 Uniformly monotone partitioning of polygons Theoretical Computer Science
7 A linear-time algorithm for the center problem in weighted cycle graphs Information Processing Letters
8 An Iterative Method for Unsupervised Robust Anomaly Detection under Data Contamination IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
9 Factorized Multi-Resolution HashGrid for Efficient Neural Radiance Fields: Execution on Edge-Devices IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
10 Largest Unit Rectangles Inscribed in a Convex Polygon Computational Geometry
11 Leveraging Input-Level Feature Deformation with Guided-Attention for Sulcal Labeling IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
12 Stacking Monotone Polytopes Symmetry
13 TauFlowNet: Revealing latent propagation mechanism of tau aggregates using deep neural transport equations Medical Image Analysis (MedIA)
14 Uni-DVPS: Unified Model for Depth-Aware Video Panoptic Segmentation IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
15 WKNN-Based Wi-Fi Fingerprinting with Deep Distance Metric Learning via Siamese Triplet Network for Indoor Positioning Electoronics
16 UbiGest: Smartphone-Based Ubiquitous Gesture Recognition With Wi-Fi IEEE Internet of Things Journal

비SCI 저널(9개)

SCI 저널 2023년 게재년도,논문명 항목에 관한 표입니다.
순번 논문명 저널명
1 Investigation of the afterpeaks in pulsed microwave argon plasma at atmospheric pressure Plasma Sources Science and Technology
2 Deep Learning Enhances Multiparametric Dynamic Volumetric Photoacoustic Computed Tomography in Vivo (DL-PACT) Advanced Science
3 Recent Advances in Contrast-enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging: Overcoming the Physical and Practical Challenges Chemical reviews
4 Deep 3D Reconstruction of Synchrotron X-ray Computed Tomography for Intact Lungs Scientific Reports
5 Multi-stage Adaptive Rank Statistic Pruning for Lightweight Human 3D Mesh Recovery Model The Visual Computer
6 Multicolor and 3D Holography Generated by Inverse-Designed Single-Cell Metasurfaces Advanced Materials
7 Convolutional Hough Matching Networks for Robust and Efficient Visual Correspondence IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( Early Access )
8 HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions and Benchmark Challenge IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
9 Writing nanometer-scale structures for centimeter-scale color printing Advanced Photonics
10 Glocal Retriever: Glocal Image Retrieval Using the Combination of Global and Local Descriptors Electronics
11 GConvLoc: WiFi Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Localization using Graph Convolutional Networks IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
12 Drug approval prediction based on the discrepancy in gene perturbation effects between cells and humans. eBioMedicine
13 Bright-field and edge-enhanced imaging using an electrically tunable dual-mode metalens ACS Nano
14 Trichannel spin-selective metalenses Nano Letters
15 Optimizing Design of Broadband Solar Metamaterial Absorbers Based on Titanium Nitride Nanoring Optical Materials Express
16 Dynamic covariance estimation via predictive Wishart process with an application on brain connectivity estimation Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
17 Concept-Oriented Self-Explaining Neural Networks Neural Processing Letters
18 opPINN: Physics-informed neural network with operator learning to approximate solutions to the Fokker-Planck-Landau equation Journal of Computational Physics
19 The monotone traveling wave solution of a bistable three-species competition system via unconstrained neural networks Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
20 XLA-NDP: Efficient Scheduling and Code Generation for Deep Learning Model Training on Near-Data Processing Memory IEEE Computer Architecture Letters
21 Covering Convex Polygons by Two Congruent Disks Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
22 Intersecting disks using two congruent disks Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
23 Rectangular partitions of a rectilinear polygon Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
24 Optimally Designed Multimaterial Microparticle–Polymer Composite Paints for Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling ACS Photonics
25 Universal convex covering problems under translation and discrete rotations. Advances in Geometry
26 Target-Oriented Knowledge Distillation with Language-Family-Based Grouping for Multilingual NMT ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
27 Developing Explainable Deep Model for Discovering Novel Control Mechanism of Neuro-Dynamics IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
28 Fast Performance Prediction for Efficient Distributed DNN Training IEEE Computer Architecture Letters
29 Reliability and time-based efficiency of artificial intelligence-based automatic digital model analysis system European Journal of Orthodontics

비SCI 저널(3개)

SCI 저널 2022년 게재년도,논문명 항목에 관한 표입니다.
순번 논문명 저널명
1 Evolutionary rewiring of regulatory networks contributes to phenotypic differences between human and mouse orthologous genes Nucleic Acids Research
2 TextureMe: High-Quality Textured Scene Reconstruction in Real Time ACM Transactions on Graphics
3 Integrated Deep Learning Framework for Accelerated Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Scientific Reports
4 RESHAPE: Reverse-Edited Synthetic Hypotheses for Automatic Post-Editing IEEE Access
5 Option compatible reward inverse reinforcement learning Pattern Recognition Letters
6 Bi-Modal Transfer Learning for Classifying Breast Cancers via Combined B-Mode and Ultrasound Strain Imaging IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
7 Deep learning for topological photonics Advances in Physics: X
8 Personalized Knowledge Distillation for Recommender System Knowledge-Based Systems
9 Optimal sequence for single server scheduling incorporating a rate-modifying activity under job-dependent linear deterioration European Journal of Operational Research
10 Minimum-link shortest paths for polygons amidst rectilinear obstacles Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
11 Point-level Deep Learning Approach for 3D Acoustic Source Localization Smart Structures and Systems
12 Learning to Detect Semantic Boundaries with Image-level Class Labels International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
13 Runtime Support for Accelerating CNN Models on Digital DRAM Processing-in-Memory Hardware IEEE Computer Architecture Letters
14 Network-based machine learning approach to predict immunotherapy response in cancer patients Nature Communications
15 DORA: Towards policy optimization for task-oriented dialogue system with efficient context Computer Speech and Language
16 Improving aging identifiability of lithium-ion batteries using deep reinforcement learning IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
17 Deep learning acceleration of multiscale superresolution localization photoacoustic imaging Light: Science & Applications
18 Deep learning alignment of bidirectional raster scanning in high speed photoacoustic microscopy Scientific Reports
19 A voting-based ensemble feature network for semiconductor wafer defect classification Scientific Reports
20 Enzyme activity engineering based on sequence co-evolution analysis Metabolic Engineering
21 Self-feeding training method for semi-supervised grammatical error correction Computer Speech & Language
22 Dense Relational Image Captioning via Multi-task Triple-Stream Networks IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
23 Hybrid dynamic programming with bounding algorithm for the multi-profit orienteering problem European Journal of Operational Research
24 Deconvolution of bulk tumors into distinct immune cell states predicts colorectal cancer recurrence Donghyo Kim
25 Revisiting the Design Strategies for Metasurfaces: Fundamental Physics, Optimization, and Beyond Advanced Materials
26 Concurrent Optimization of Diffraction Fields from Binary Phase Mask for Three-Dimensional Nanopatterning ACS Photonics
27 Rearranging a sequence of points onto a line Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
28 Ovarian tumor diagnosis using deep convolutional neural networks and a denoising convolutional autoencoder Scientific Reports
29 ProFeat: Unsupervised Image Clustering via Progressive Feature Refinement Pattern Recognition Letters
30 Prediction on the Distributions of the Strength and Toughness of Thick Steel Plates Based on Bayesian Neural Network Steel Research International
31 Knowledge Distillation for Image Signal Processing using only the Generator Portion of a GAN Electronics
32 LaplacianFusion: Detailed 3D Clothed-Human Body Reconstruction ACM Transactions on Graphics
33 An evolution-based machine learning to identify cancer type-specific driver mutations Briefings in Bioinformatics
34 Accuracy and efficiency of automatic tooth segmentation in digital dental models using deep learning Scientific Reports
35 Fast subgraph query processing and subgraph matching via static and dynamic equivalences The VLDB Journal
36 Performing Group Difference Testing on Graph Structured Data from GANs: Analysis and Applications in Neuroimaging IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
37 Fusing Higher-Order Features in Graph Neural Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

비SCI 저널(2개)

SCI 저널 2021년 게재년도,논문명 항목에 관한 표입니다.
순번 저널명 논문명
1 Deep Learning-Based Estimation of the Unknown Road Profile and State Variables for the Vehicle Suspension System IEEE Access
2 A machine learning approach to identify the universality of solitary perturbations accompanying boundary bursts in magnetized toroidal plasmas Scientific Reports
3 Spatiotemporal Texture Reconstruction for Dynamic Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera Computer Grphis Forum
4 Knowledge Integration into Deep Learning in Dynamical Systems: An Overview and Taxonomy Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
5 Estimating the Phase Volume Fraction of Multi-phase steel via Unsupervised Deep Learning Scientific Reports
6 Programmable Synthesis of Silver Wheels Inorg. Chem.
7 Deep learning-based method for multiple sound source localization with high resolution and accuracy Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
8 Quantization-Aware Pruning Criterion for Industrial Applications IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
9 Deep learning-based discriminative refocusing of scanning electron microscopy images for materials science Acta Materialia
10 Super-resolving Material Microstructure Image via Deep Learning for Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Behavior Analysis npj Computational Materials
11 Comments on "Stacking Ensemble based Deep Neural Networks Modeling for Effective Epileptic Seizure Detection" Expert Systems with Applications
12 Maximum-area and maximum-perimeter rectangles in polygons Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
13 Local Stability of Wasserstein GANs With Abstract Gradient Penalty IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
14 Automated cortical thickness measurement of the mandibular condyle head on CBCT images using a deep learning method Scientific Reports
15 Robust attitude control scheme for constantly spinning small-sized quadrotor in the presence of imbalance characteristics IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
16 Explainability of Machine Learning Models for Bankruptcy Prediction IEEE Access
17 Did a skillful prediction of near-surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting of the 2012 US drought? Environmental Research Letters
18 FDCR: A Full-Duplex Collision Resolution Scheme for Next-Generation Wireless LANs IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS
19 Convolutional neural network-based object detection model to identify gastrointestinal stromal tumors in endoscopic ultrasound images Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
20 Gallbladder Polyp Classification in Ultrasound Images Using an Ensemble Convolutional Neural Network Model Journal of Clinical Medicine
21 Patient-Level Cancer Prediction Models From a Nationwide Patient Cohort: Model Development and Validation JMIR Medical Informatics
22 Efficient planar two-center algorithms Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
23 Exploration of Effective Attention Strategies for Neural Automatic Post-editing with Transformer ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
24 Shortest Rectilinear Path Queries to Rectangles in a Rectangular Domain Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
25 StyleCariGAN: Caricature Generation via StyleGAN Feature Map Modulation ACM Transactions on Graphics
26 Recurrent Video Deblurring with Blur-Invariant Motion Estimation and Pixel Volumes ACM Transactions on Graphics
27 Missing data imputation using mixture factor analysis for building electric load data Applied Energy
28 A Deep Learning-Based Model That Reduces Speed of Sound Aberrations for Improved In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
29 Deep learning-based histopathological segmentation for whole slide images of colorectal cancer in a compressed domain Scientific Reports
30 Intraoperative Label-Free Photoacoustic Histopathology of Clinical Specimens Laser & Photonics Reviews
31 Multiparametric Photoacoustic Analysis of Human Thyroid Cancers In Vivo Cancer Research
32 Accelerated crystal structure prediction of multi‑elements random alloy using expandable features Scientific Reports
33 Recycling Sampling Timing Offset of Wi-Fi for Estimating Multiple ToFs of Superimposed Signal IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS
34 Largest triangles in a polygon Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
35 Maximizing Dominance in the Plane and its Applications Algorithmica
36 Lightweight Speaker Recognition in Poincare Spaces IEEE Signal Processing Letters
37 Item-side Ranking Regularized Distillation for Recommender System Information Sciences
38 Neural network approach to data-driven estimation of chemotactic sensitivity in the Keller-Segel model Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
39 Gated dynamic convolutions with deep layer fusion for abstractive document summarization Computer Speech & Language
40 Symmetric Continuous Subgraph Matching with Bidirectional Dynamic Programming Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
41 Towards plug-and-play visual graph query interfaces: Data-driven selection of canned patterns for large networks
42 The feasibility of deep learning-based synthetic contrast-enhanced CT from nonenhanced CT in emergency department patients with acute abdominal pain Scientific Reports
43 Near-Data Processing in Memory Expander for DNN Acceleration on GPUs IEEE Computer Architecture Letters

비SCI 저널(2개)

SCI 저널 2020년 게재년도,논문명 항목에 관한 표입니다.
순번 저널명 논문명
1 Improving Classification Accuracy of Hand Gesture Recognition Based on 60 GHz FMCW Radar with Deep Learning Domain Adaptation Electronics
2 Listening-oriented response generation by exploiting user responses Pattern Recognition Letters
3 Deep color transfer using histogram analogy The Visual Computer
4 Multi-Channel Transfer Learning of Chest X-ray Images for Screening of COVID-19 Electronics
5 Network-based machine learning in colorectal and bladder organoid models predicts anti-cancer drug efficacy in patients Nature Communications
6 Hybrid model of mathematical and neural network formulations for rolling force and temperature prediction in hot rolling processes IEEE Access
7 Real-World Implications of a Rapidly Responsive COVID-19 Spread Model with Time-Dependent Parameters via Deep Learning: Model Development and Validation Journal of Medical Internet Research
8 Natural language to SQL: Where are we today? Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
9 Towards Multi-way Join Aware Optimizer in SAP HANA Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
10 Asymmetric-Partition Replication for Highly Scalable Distributed Transaction Processing in Practice Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
11 IDAR: Fast Supergraph Search Using DAG Integration Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
12 FlexVi: PHY Aided Flexible Multicast for Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 WLANs IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
13 Collision decoding and reporting: A new collision resolution approach using full-duplex radio in WLANs Ad Hoc Networks
14 A text-based visual context modulation neural model for multimodal machine translation Pattern Recognition Letters
15 WiderCast: Enabling Wider Bandwidth for Wireless Multicast Over IEEE 802.11ac WLANs IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
16 DozyBand: Bandwidth Adaptation with Lightweight Signaling for Energy Efficient Wireless Communications in IEEE 802.11ac WLANs IEEE Communications Letters